Harry Potter

Harry Potter
Even the world's best super spy needs a little help from assistive tech!

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Snow day and assistive tech!

Snow day, snow day, snow day! Barb tried t be nice and help those of us who have long way to drive seeing as how their was an impending snow-pocalypse on the way...which was non existent but the thought was a nice one!

In my search of the web, here are the models that I found that seem to be these ones:

1. SETT (student, environment, task, tools)
The student (learner)
  • What is the functional area(s) of concern? What does the student need to be able to do that is difficult or impossible to do independently at this time?
  • Special needs (related to area of concern)
  • Current abilities (related to area of concern)
The environment
  • Arrangement (instructional, physical)
  • Support (available to both the student and the staff)
  • Materials and equipment (commonly used by others in the environments)
  • Access issues (technological, physical, instructional)
  • Attitudes and expectations (staff, family, employees, others)
The tasks
  • What specific tasks occur in learners' natural environments that enable progress toward mastery of their goals and objectives?
  • What specific tasks are required for active involvement in identified environments (related to communication, instruction, participation, productivity, environmental control)?
The tools
In the SETT Framework, tools include devices, services and strategies; everything needed to help learners succeed. Analyze the information gathered to address the following questions and activities.
  • Is it expected that the learner will not be able to make reasonable progress towards his/her goals without assistive technology devices and services?
  • If yes, describe what a useful system of assistive technology devices and services for the learner would be like.
  • Brainstorm tools that could be included in a system that addresses learner needs.
  • Select the most promising tools for trials in the natural environments.
  • Plan the specifics of the trial (expected changes, when/how tools will be used, cues, etc.)
  • Collect data on effectiveness.
- the do-er, the operator - underlying abilities (sensory input, central processing and motor output) - need to take into consideration the person’s skills and abilities ability – basic training of a person, what he brings to a new task
skill – a level of proficiency
- 3 basic performance areas: self-care, work/school, play/leisure - the activities an individual performs are determined by that person’s life role(s) - activities can be broken down into smaller tasks ... need to know what these are ... helps determine points at which an individual may need assistance to accomplish activity
where the activity is being performed - setting (environment) - social context (e.g. with peers, strangers, family) - cultural context (influences social s context) ... will talk about the influence of culture on AT later - physical context (e.g. light, temperature, sound)
The AT
provide basis that allows human performance to improve

3. MTP (matching person and tech)

The Matching Person & Technology Model organizes influences on the successful use of a variety of technologies: assistive technology, educational technology, and those used in the workplace, school, home; for healthcare, for mobility and performing daily activities. Specialized devices for hearing loss, speech, eyesight and cognition as well as general or everyday technologies are also included.Research shows that although a technology may appear perfect for a given need, it may be used inappropriately or even go unused when critical personality preferences, psychosocial characteristics or needed environmental support are not considered.

 The Matching Person and Technology Model is operationalized by a series of reliable and valid measures that provide a person-centered and individualized approach to matching individuals with the most appropriate technologies for their use. The Matching Person & Technology Model and measures were developed by Marcia J. Scherer, Ph.D. beginning in 1986.

MPT process with accompanying assessment measures
  • Initial Worksheet for the Matching Person and Technology (MPT) Model -- to determine initial goals, potential interventions, and technologies needed to support attainment of the goals.
  • History of Support Use -- identifies supports used in the past and satisfaction with those supports.
  • Specific technology matching:
    • General -- survey of technology use
    • Assistive -- assistive technology device predisposition assessment, cognitive support technology predisposition assessment and hearing technology predisposition assessment
    • Educational -- educational technology device predisposition assessment
    • Workplace -- workplace technology device predisposition assessment
    • Healthcare -- healthcare technology device predisposition assessment
  • Follow-up versions of the measures to determine degree of use, comparison of expected benefit and realization of benefit and change in functioning and subjective well-being.
And finally,

4. LAP 
Primarily for those with more severe disabilities, it is more of a team based approach based on a collection of observations on the following categories:
  • Physical Resources
  • Cognitive Resources
  • Emotional Resources
  • Support Resources
  • Environmental Analysis

There sure is a lot more to this whole process than you would think. I find that a lot of teachers assume that the assessment is something that isn't that strenuous and then the kid gets an IPad...

They all need to read this blog.

This is the link to the really great power point that set me off on my quest for knowledge  this week.